The first deputy chairman of the religious administration of the Muslims of Russia, the rector of the Moscow Islamic Institute, Doctor of Theology Damir Mukhetdinov emphasized that the niqab is a historical and traditional dress for the native Muslim peoples of the Russian Federation , and provided historical evidence on how this dress spread among the Tatars and the peoples of the North Caucasus in the pre-Soviet period. brought

"I would like to say something important about the current wave of information about the niqab , as if the indigenous Muslim peoples of Russia have never covered their faces, " said a representative of Russian Islamic scholars . - Well, read Karl Fuchs, who wrote an excellent work about Kazan Tatars. Read Johann Gottlieb. I'm not even talking about the many letters written by Caucasian imams: Imam Shamil, Imam Muhammad and others, who as Caucasian judges should be jealous of Muslim women covering their faces.

Mukhetdinov also noted that the issue of the niqab is not important in modern Russia: "During my 30-year active career as a religious leader, I can give about 10 examples of women wearing the niqab. <...> Well, there is no problem with the niqab in the modern agenda, these are special cases in society."

Last week, the chairman of Russia's Muslim Religious Authority said the niqab was a "more traditional order for Russia" amid short skirts and open-necked dresses, while criticizing the "enthusiastic approach" of supporters to ban traditional Islamic clothing.

"The wearing of the niqab by Russian Muslim women is not a mass phenomenon, but an elite phenomenon. But still, for Russia, the niqab is more traditional than short skirts or open-necked dresses. The guardians of traditionalism should first of all take care of young people of both sexes who wear shorts, and only after that they should look under the headscarves of Muslim women," Mukhetdinov said.

The statement of the representative of the religious administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation, who called the attempt to ban the niqab as a "war against God", the head of the religious administration of Muslims of Tatarstan, Kamil Samigullin, and the head of the religious administration of Volgaboyi Muslims, Muqaddas-hazrat Bibarsov, criticized the prohibition of the niqab in Dagestan.

Discussions are taking place against the background of a fatwa on the temporary banning of the niqab in Dagestan (in fact, a complete ban on this pretext - Azon Global ): on Tuesday, the mufti of Dagestan announced a Sharia decision on the temporary ban of the niqab, despite the fact that the fatwa department did not find sufficient grounds. After that, the Fatwa section itself was completed a few days ago.

"If earlier [...] it was recommended or even mandatory to wear a veil to preserve modesty [...], today the situation has changed and depends on the country and region where Muslims live. [...] Today, the niqab has become a topic of discussion and debate, and a new reality has emerged that wearing it has the opposite effect," said the text of the Sharia ruling published on Tuesday. In the same place, women are advised to "understand in what time and in what condition we live" and to cover their faces with "a part of an elp rod or a scarf" instead of a niqab .

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