Kazakhstan, which previously allowed the import of Russian grain only for flour mills and poultry farmers, now wants to impose a complete ban on the import of Russian grain for 6 months. The issue of introducing an export duty on Kazakh wheat is also being considered. This may negatively affect the competitiveness of Kazakh wheat in traditional foreign markets.

At the meeting of the Inter-Departmental Commission in Kazakhstan, the issue of a complete ban on the import of Russian grain into Kazakhstan was discussed. This is reported by "APK Novosti".

"Today, a meeting of the intergovernmental committee on foreign trade policy was held. As a result, a decision was made to temporarily ban the import of wheat into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a period of 6 months. The planned ban is expected to be implemented after the final signing of the IMS protocol, as well as the adoption of the relevant order of the Ministry of Agriculture. The ban will be implemented approximately from August 2024," the Grain Union of Kazakhstan reported.

One of the grain market participants commented on this decision.

"The ban is supposedly being introduced to support local producers of raw materials. So that cheap Russian wheat does not interfere with the sale of Kazakh grain on the market or for export," he said.

The issue of introducing an export duty is also being discussed.

"They want to introduce a 50 percent tax. The introduction of the duty means that the price of grain exports will not be competitive in the traditional markets where Kazakh grain is exported," said the participant of the meeting, commenting on the decision.

Previously, Kazakhstan allowed only flour mills and poultry farmers to import Russian grain. A total ban would also mean an import ban for these businesses.

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