In France and Belgium, PKK supporters attacked Turkish citizens, Turkish districts, mosques, cultural centers and other institutions. The building of the Turkish Consulate General was raided in Germany. A group against the extradition of PKK member Firaz Korkmaz to Turkey organized a riot at the airport in France. There are injuries.

In a number of European countries, supporters of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) are attacking Turkish citizens and Turkish districts, mosques and other institutions and property.

In particular, in Belgium, supporters of the PKK terrorist organization raided Turkish areas in several regions at the same time, destroyed and set fire to mosques, cultural centers and other institutions, damaged cars, and attacked Turkish citizens ( video ).

In the statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey on March 26, it was said that there were no victims as a result of the incidents, and some Turkish citizens were injured. Representatives of the diplomatic mission of Turkey in Belgium met with Turkish citizens living in the areas where the attacks took place.

"Thanks to the common sense of our people in Belgium and the effective intervention of the Belgian police, the situation was prevented from escalating. The local government has launched an investigation into the attackers. The events are being monitored at all levels," the statement said.

Also, on the night of March 27, 12 PKK members organized a march in Hanover, Germany. During the action, the participants attacked the Consulate General of Turkey in this city, broke the windows of the building with hard objects and hid.

PKK supporters caused chaos at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. This was caused by the extradition of Firaz Korkmaz, a member of the terrorist organization, to Turkey. Three people were injured in the incident, and the airport was also damaged.

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