Roger Garo was born on July 17 , 1913 in Marseille. Although his parents were non-believers, Roj converted to Christianity at the age of fourteen "because he wanted his life to be meaningful". He was awarded a medal of appreciation for his heroism during the Second World War . He was sent to an exile camp in the French colony of Algeria because he prepared leaflets in the barracks protesting the agreement of the French government with Hitler . He lived in prison and camp for thirty-three months. When they tried to shoot him because he disobeyed the orders of the head of the camp, the Muslim soldiers from the Ibazi sect " According to our belief , it is impossible to shoot an unarmed person," the box is closed . He completed his dissertation under the philosopher Gaston Bachelard and received a doctorate in philosophy from the Sorbonne University and the Moscow Academy of Sciences. He became a professor of philosophy and aesthetics. He learned German, English, and Russian languages, and after accepting Islam, he thoroughly studied Arabic . He worked in the parliament for sixteen years as a deputy, senator and deputy speaker of the parliament. He made friends with the world's leading politicians, art, literature, scientists and intellectuals.

For the rest of his life, Gar o di is committed to finding and promulgating systems, methods, and practices that benefit humanity traveled around the world. Ultimately , he found Islam to be the religion that best suited his ideals and became a Muslim on July 2, 1982 in Geneva. He performed Umrah . He was condemned by the Western press and publications for supporting the Palestinian cause and expressing Israeli oppression in his books ; Thus, the doors of large bookstores and publishing companies were closed for him. He was even punished for his book "Legends and Terror of Israel", which was translated into Turkish. He died on June 13, 2012 in Paris. Western media reported Garo Di 's death with the following headline : "Former Communist and Genocide Denier (Denier) Garo Di Dies." However, Gar o di never denied the massacre of Jews, on the contrary, in his books and conferences such as "Israel Myths and Terror", "The Zionism File", "Palestine", "The Land of Divine Messages" and "My Witnesses", even one Jew was unjustly killed. He said that it is a crime against humanity and the person who committed it should be considered a murderer . However, according to Gar o di, Jews were killed in World War II 60 million people died. They are propagandizing that only Jews were killed in the World War, even though they were Although gypsies and three to five times more Slavs were killed, they are only making films about the Jewish massacre, writing novels , creating museums, and thus incessantly brainwashing.


Gar o d , who described politics far from heavenly values as "mud politics," learned this truth in parliamentary life: Politics is brainwashing for government. Based on his experiences, he argued that politics should be seen as a tool for the peace and happiness of mankind for thousands of years. He emphasized that politics in accordance with his universal aspect can be created only by establishing human relations with nature, other people and God, and examples of this should be learned from various religions and wisdom .

Criticism of the West

According to Gary , the West has gradually moved away from the belief in God since the Renaissance , abandoning God and bringing people to the center, its philosophers asserting that God is dead, believing that positivism and science can provide the answer to every problem , and thus money. and transformed power into new idols. The West, which produces more useful and even more harmful things , then established an economic system based on their constant consumption. Garo called this economy, which fundamentally changed the mentality of consumption , " market monotheism"; He said that the West is directing the countries of the world in the same direction and encouraging our planet to commit suicide. According to him, another important problem caused by the Western mentality is related to the environment. Improper use of the environment, atomic energy, waste of surface and underground resources means "depriving generations of their rights " . In his great book "A Call to Life", he makes suggestions about alternative energy sources and calls for a solution to prevent wastage in the world, mainly in the Western world . He summarizes the mentality of the West and why it should be rejected as follows:

It is impossible to accept the brutal methods and practices of a God-denied economy. Western-style governance, nationalism, and block politics that do not include God cannot bring peace to humanity. There is no God in it, "Where did we come from, where are we going?" A worldview (paradigm) that leaves such questions unanswered, recognizes no other goal than gaining power, and embraces scientism rather than science cannot bring happiness to humanity. In fact, the driving force behind individualistic Western-style societies is the market economy, in which the strong oppress the weak, and because schools and universities have become markets, there is no room for talented candidates among the poor, and therefore the poor are subject to educational extermination. That unjust wheel crushes the world. After all , developed countries control 80% of the wealth on our planet, and this wealth is used by only 20% of the world's population .

Gar o di also strongly criticized the West for considering itself to be the center of the world and for treating those outside it as barbarians, and in many of his works he tried to destroy such arrogance and self -indulgence of the West.

Western philosophy

Gar o di believes that the biggest flaw of Western philosophy is its engagement with the philosophy of being. However, the philosophical reasoning necessary for humanity is a philosophy based on action, not theory, and emphasizes the importance of action. After becoming a Muslim, the Qur'an says , " He is every day "work is in action " (Rahman , 29) and emphasized that the most important thing for people in all his works should be "action". According to Garo , another shortcoming of Western philosophy is its distance from nature , its denial of divine supremacy, and its attempt at self-sufficiency. In his opinion, Descartes advised the Western man to be the owner and master of nature. God is not the source of life in Western philosophy, which has developed from Socrates' "daimon" to Plato's "idea of goodness", from Aristotle's "motionless mover" to Descartes' "ontological proof". He came to the opinion that a philosophy that rejects the unseen , considers itself independent of God, does not accept revelation and is satisfied only with reason cannot lead people to salvation . Roj i Gar o di successfully conducted discussions on intellectual and philosophical topics with many famous people .

They hear

  Gar o di has studied all religions from Ancient Egyptian and Ancient American Hinduism to Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and has studied the sacred or core books of these religions in depth. " A call to life " , " Epic of human civilization " , " Toward a war of religions?" This knowledge is clearly visible in his works . Before he became a Muslim, he attached great importance to the religions of mankind because of his respect for humanity. After accepting Islam, Gar o di said in the Qur'an : "We have sent every prophet (to speak) in the language of his people to explain (our judgments) ." (Ibrahim , 4) thought about the verse .

He proved that cultures can develop only by feeding each other, that the ancient Greek civilization did not originate from Europe, as Westerners claim, but from Mesopotamia, Egypt and Anatolia. Gar o di believes that among the civilizations that have survived to this day, only the modern Western civilization dominated the world, was cut off from the unseen and divine dimension, and developed since the Renaissance , and with this domination, it led humanity to commit suicide . In his opinion, in order for the West and the whole world to get rid of this terrible disaster, it is necessary to enjoy Islam , establish a new harmonious relationship between man and the world, man and nature, man and God.

Gar o di and Islam

After his works "The Promises of Islam " and " Our Future with Islam" published in 1981, he accepted Islam in 1982. Islam unites humanity with God, man and nature, thus reforming the Western civilization that dominates the world , the world and our world. believes that it will save from suicide. In many of his books, in particular, in his books such as "Mosques", "Mirror of Islam", "Islam and the Future of Humanity", he expressed in an impressive manner that prayer, fasting, pilgrimage and sacrifice in Islam are extremely important in bringing people closer to each other. He complains that these prayers are not spiritually understood enough by the Muslims and that they are masked by soulless formalism. In his works "Islam in the West", " Qurtuba , the Capital of Spirituality " and "The Saga of Human Civilization" and many other works, he calls upon Muslims to read the Qur'an with deep eyes and thoughtful thinking , and condemns blind reading . He emphasizes that the Qur'an and the Sunnah should be considered in today's context and from a perspective that answers today's questions. He says that in times when Islam was carefully practiced and valued, Muslims spread from the Atlantic Ocean to India and China, and Spain was easily conquered with very little force, because people then literally lived in pursuit of Islamic justice. He says that when Muslims abandon thinking and start repeating what the ancients said, the door of ijtihad is closed and the Islamic world first stagnates and then collapses . According to Gar o di, the Shari'ah is not a stagnant pool from which we can draw muddy water, because in doing so we would be deceiving ourselves rather than quenching our thirst. Shariat is a beautiful river that rises and flows in waves, on the banks of which blessings hang .

Gar o di expresses his thoughts about Sufism , especially in his book " Islam and the Future of Humanity " ; He considers Sufism to be a measure of faith, an inner aspect of Islam. He firmly asserts that Sufism did not originate from Christian Sufism and Indian philosophy, but was drawn directly from the Qur'an. Hossatan, Rabia al-Adaviyya, Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi and Fariduddin express their admiration for Attar. It reveals that the great Sufis of Christendom were deeply influenced by Muslim mystics.


He has more than sixty works, but if we take into account his sixty-seventy-page editions, this number exceeds eighty . According to Prazan and Minard, who wrote a large work about Gar o di, the number of the thinker's works is eighty. There are also hundreds of his articles, his foundation, two now-closed institutes (one of which is the Institute for International Dialogue of Civilizations, which he founded in 1974), two universities (the University of Cuba , the University of Bourja, established on the island of Gore in Senegal), and a number of institutes on African culture that he led. He left behind a feature film (Black Dionysus), a television series about Islamic art shown on the Spanish state channel, and hundreds of lectures. More than thirty works have been written about him.

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