The basis of the family is biology

The basis of the family is biology! Exact science! The purpose of the family structure is the purity of the offspring and the stability of man as a biological species. In simple words, the goal is that a person and his descendants should be healthy, not be born with genetic defects, not get sick with various diseases... In other words, live a happy and blessed life.

The existence of this family structure is the basis for the preservation of the human race for centuries. In the following periods, the struggle against the family intensified in order to break this cycle. It is clear that these actions are aimed at the same series - the destruction of the human race. This is the scientific side of the matter.

Creating a family - choosing a bride and groom is based on the golden and immutable law of classical genetics. This is the basis of selection (selection) of breeds and varieties in classical genetics.

The purpose of creating a family is to announce to the society the man and woman who will start the family. For example, a married woman does not live with her husband. It is not allowed to mix generations, to be born of people whose father is unknown. Why is the family taken so seriously? The reason is that it is not allowed to intermarry between generations of the same father or the same mother. It is opposed even when viewed from a religious or secular (scientific) point of view. Normal societies and healthy people follow this. Therefore, the existence of a human being as a biological species is explained by the existence of a family structure. More specifically, this is how humans maintain their ideal DNA. There is no other scientific basis for this.

Recognizing the family as sacred is one of the greatest and most immutable values of humanity. Historically, people have held on to traditions, values, and religion. Now some categories have emerged and are emerging, which force to break the unique chain of man as a biological species. Their values, thinking and mentality cannot be accepted by common sense. These views are unscientific.

The way these categories suggest (whether they know it or not) is to destroy the human race. Which path a person chooses is a matter of future generations.

I have only touched on the matter of descent. The family has other social and medical importance that we all know about. Now, as for the claims of the "historian", his ideas are so unscientific that, I guess, his imagination consists of these distorted views.

In biology, populations (groups of individuals belonging to the same species) include individuals with genetic defects or random mutations. They will have a genetic trait(s) that contradicts the biology of the population they belong to.

The same is true in society. Socially as well.

Bakhtiyor Abdugofur, biologist, scientist, writer

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