The Holy Qur'an is the word of God. There are also a number of unseen messages from him, and in the next part of our pamphlet dedicated to these unseen messages, we will talk about the conquest of Makkah. You can watch the video of the next episode on our website.

In verses 27-28 of Surah Fath, it is said: "I swear that Allah made his prophet's dream come true, and you (believers!) will enter Masjid al-Haram safely, with your heads (hair) shaved and (or) cut short ." you will enter without fear, inshallah. So, (Allah) knew what you did not know, and before it (the conquest of Makkah) he made a near victory (the victory of Khyber) . He is the One who sent His Prophet (Muhammad) with guidance and the True Religion (Islam) to make it (religion) victorious over all religion (s). Allah himself is a sufficient witness .

When the Prophet, peace be upon him, was in Madinah, he saw in his dreams that believers were entering the Holy Mosque and circumambulating the Kaaba. They told this good news to the companions. Because Muslim immigrants could not go to Makkah since they emigrated.

Allah Almighty revealed the 27th verse of Surah Fath as a help and support from His presence and said that the dreams are true and that if He wills, the believers can enter Makkah.

Indeed, after some time, the peace of Hudaybiya was concluded, followed by the conquest of Makkah. Believers entered Masjidul Haram without any danger. In this way, he found confirmation of the two unseen messages mentioned in the verse. The Muslims conquered Makkah and the true religion Islam was victorious over all religions.

But one thing should not be forgotten and the verses should be approached from the following point of view. It's easy to herald spring at the beginning of spring. But in the middle of winter, it is difficult to predict from the chest. The messages in the Qur'an are like watering a spring in the middle of winter.

After all, at the time these verses were revealed, the Muslims were very weak and lacking in numbers. They were forced to emigrate, leaving their homelands and their homes. Even when they came to visit the Kaaba, they returned to Madinah sad because the pagans of Makkah did not give permission. It was at this time that the Qur'an announced that they would enter the Kaaba in safety and that Islam would triumph over other religions, and it became a reality.

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