The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan has called on the suspects not to be tortured in the investigation of the sabotage in "Krokus".

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan has called not to torture those suspected of having committed a subversive act at the "Crocus City Hall" concert hall near Moscow. This was announced by the head of the country's foreign policy court, Sirojiddin Mukhriddin, reports Gazeta.Ru.

Speaking at the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the CIS, the diplomat reminded that law enforcement officers investigating the act of subversion must comply with international criteria and the requirements of Russian legislation.

Mukhriddin also said that Tajikistan expects to punish the organizers, executors, accomplices and customers of the terrorist attack on Crocus.

Let's remind that on March 22, one day after the incident in "Crocus City Hall", FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov informed the President of Russia Vladimir Putin about the arrest of 11 suspects, including four people who were direct participants in the terrorist attack. All of them were citizens of Tajikistan. Almost all the suspects, especially the main four Tajiks, were brought to the courtroom in a state of severe torture, even with one ear cut off, and in a special hospital cart.

Videos showing their torture were also circulated on the networks. According to analysts, this is a sign of increasing tolerance of the Russian state and Russian society towards mass violence.

Later, the State Committee of National Security of Tajikistan arrested 9 people who were suspected of being involved in the terrorist attack in "Crocus City Hall". Russian security forces stationed in Dushanbe took part in their capture.

In Russia, the tolerance of the state and society to violence is increasing - NT

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