German sportswear company Puma has decided not to renew its contract with the Israel Football Association and will not supply the team with uniforms from next year. This is reported by TRT World.

The company said it had canceled its sponsorship deal with Israel's national soccer team in a decision taken before Israel launched attacks on the Gaza Strip.

After a strategic review at the end of 2022, Puma will stop supplying the Israeli team from next year, the company announced on Tuesday.

"While the two national teams signed new contracts, including the name of the new team, will be announced at the end of this year and in 2024, the contracts of some federations, such as Serbia and Israel, will expire in 2024," the spokesman said.

"These decisions have been made in line with the 2022 team jersey design deadlines," the spokesperson added.

For reference, the company's 2018 deal with Israel to supply sportswear sparked calls for a boycott of the brand.

Campaigners accused Puma of supporting illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank by partnering with the Israeli Football Federation, which includes teams from the occupied Palestinian territories.

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