Hezbollah has successfully exploited Lebanon's mountainous terrain to create a network of tunnels that help resistance fighters hide from Israeli airstrikes. According to retired Brigadier General Fadi Daoud, the possibility of using tunnels as shelters and attacking from underground in the most unexpected places "zeroes out all the military advantages of the enemy".

Hizbollah has successfully used the mountainous terrain of Lebanon to create a network of tunnels that help resistance fighters hide from Israeli airstrikes, reports Al-Sharq Al-Awsat.

According to retired Brigadier General Fadi Davud , Hezbollah's tactics can drag Israel into heavy military operations. He said that the possibility of using tunnels as a shelter and attacking from underground in the most unexpected places "will reduce all the military advantages of the enemy to zero."

"Although the Israeli army has a strong air force , the presence of a network of tunnels deprives them of the ability to see targets, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of aviation, " noted Fadi Doud.

According to him, Israel is armed with bombs capable of destroying bunkers and tunnels up to 60 meters deep, but to use them, you still need to know where the bunker or tunnel is located. According to the general, no one knows exactly where the tunnels are located, but they probably cover an area north of the Israeli border, about 7 km deep into Lebanese territory. The same thing justifies Israel's desire to push Hezbollah beyond the Lita River.

Tony Nemer , Ph.D. in seismology and geology at the American University of Beirut, believes that tunneling is easier in Lebanon than elsewhere because 80 percent of Lebanon's mountains are made of limestone. He also said that there is an extensive network of naturally occurring caves in the mountains.

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