At the same time that Israel is killing people in Gaza, protests are taking place in many regions of the world. For example, in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, hundreds of Japanese people took to the streets with slogans such as "Stop the genocide in Gaza", "Free Palestine".

Japanese protesters gathered in the Shinjuku district, marching around the Shinjuku train station with banners and slogans in response to Israel's attacks on hospitals and schools in Gaza.

Demonstrators called on the Japanese government and the world to take measures to prevent the massacre of civilians in Gaza.

Haruki Saito, who announced that he participated in the protest in response to the events taking place in the Gaza Strip, said: "I came here to stop the massacre in Gaza. So far, more than 17,000 Gazans have died as a result of Israeli army attacks," he said.

Pointing to the support of the Israeli army by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and other G7 member states, Saito said: "We call on Japanese Prime Minister Kishida and his government to take action to stop military forces around the world. Free Palestine, free Gaza !" said.

Tomoshi Omodo, who participated in the demonstration, said that he felt responsible for the massacres in Palestine, saying, "As a Japanese and a member of the working class, I believe that I have a duty to stop the genocides in Gaza and other parts of the world."

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