Zaman Israel, citing the Israel Population and Immigration Authority, reported that nearly 370,000 Israelis left the country after October 7, including 230,309 in October and 139,839 in November.

At the same time, about 302,000 Israelis came to the country in October, and 194,000 in November, that is, about half a million Israelis in total. This gives the impression that the number of arrivals is much higher than the number of departures, but in fact most of the arrivals were Israeli travelers returning from vacation.

Thus, negative migration is now about half a million people, and this does not include thousands of foreign workers, refugees and diplomats who have left the country.

And while the war did not stop immigration to Israel - it did decrease significantly. According to the Absorption Ministry, approximately 2,000 people immigrated to Israel between October 7 and November 29. This means from a thousand people per month. At the beginning of 2023, this figure was 4,500 people per month. Thus, the scale of migration decreased by more than 70 percent.

According to the Absorption Ministry, 6,100 immigrants arrived in Israel every month in 2022. In 2023, this figure decreased due to the stabilization of the situation in Ethiopia and Ukraine, as well as the deterioration of the socio-economic and security situation in Israel itself due to government policies.

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