Christians in the occupied West Bank have decided not to celebrate Christmas as a sign of sympathy for the people of Gaza, Anadolu reports.

"We cannot celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ while genocide is being committed against our people in Gaza. We don't feel the holiday," said Evangelical Church pastor Munzir Izhak.

The Church decided to limit itself to prayers and church rituals on this holy day for Christians. While European and American cities are showing their support for Israel and decorating the streets with Christmas wreaths, one of the churches in Bethlehem made Christmas decorations from concrete blocks instead of the usual statues of the Virgin Mary and Jesus.

He placed a toy in memory of the children trapped under the rubble in Gaza. According to Ishak, this decoration is an appeal to the Palestinian people and the whole world.

"Our message to ourselves is that God is with us and He will not leave us in trouble. Jesus came into this world to help those who are in pain and suffering. God is with the oppressed. Second, we want to tell Christian churches around the world that this is what Christmas looks like in Palestine. We are being wiped out; Genocide does not spare the Palestinians. "Unfortunately, when we think about the Christ child, we remember the babies who were brutally killed in Gaza," said Ishak.

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