Iran plans to deport 2 million illegal immigrants, almost all of them Afghans, by March 2025. According to unofficial data, there are about 5 million Afghans in Iran, many of whom are illegal immigrants. In turn, "Taliban" is considering the issue of providing housing and jobs to deported compatriots.

Iran plans to deport about 2 million illegal immigrants by March 2025. According to unofficial data, there are about 5 million Afghans in Iran, many of whom are illegal immigrants.

It is noted that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is trying to take measures to solve the problem of illegal migration in the country with other interested bodies.

"We plan to deport a large number of illegal foreign citizens in the country by the end of this year (March 2025 according to the Iranian calendar)," said a government official.

The flow of Afghan refugees to Iran began after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and continued for nearly 42 years due to the American occupation, civil wars, and instability.

President Masud Pezeshkian stated during his election campaign that illegal immigrants cause serious social problems such as drug addiction and employment, and he intends to solve the problem related to them. Meanwhile, Iran has started building a 930-kilometer-long wall on its border with Afghanistan. Interior Minister Iskandar Momini also said on September 6 that illegal immigrants are causing many problems and will soon be deported.

In turn, the Taliban held a meeting on the settlement of Afghan refugees to be expelled from Iran. At the meeting, decisions were made on providing employment to returnees, allocating land to the homeless, and creating conditions for business activities.

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