It has been 16 4 days since Israel launched its war of aggression in the Gaza Strip . A 24-hour digest of the main events in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and the entire Middle East.

▪️ The invaders attacked the entire sector: Shifa Hospital, Beit Lahia, Khan Younis and Gaza Center. During the day, 9 mass murders were committed, as a result of which 92 people were martyred, 130 people were injured.

▪️ The number of Palestinians who died as a result of Israel's aggression in the Gaza Strip since October 7 reached 31,645, and 73,676 were injured.

▪️ On the West Bank, invaders invaded the cities of Tulkarm, Kalkilya and Bethlehem. 25 Palestinians were arrested, including the freed prisoner Ravda Abu Ajamiya and several imams from Al-Khalil (Hebron - Hebrew).

▪️ Head of UNICEF: more than 13 thousand children died as a result of Israel's attack on Gaza. We have not seen this level of child mortality in any other conflict in the world.

▪️ Iraqi resistance forces : We attacked an Israeli base in the occupied Syrian Golan with drones.

▪️ Invaders attacked the city of Ramia in southern Lebanon.

▪️ UNRWA: As a result of Israel's attacks on Gaza, 23 million tons of debris were created. It will take years to collect the debris and defuse the unexploded ordnance. Homes, schools, hospitals and other civilian infrastructure were destroyed.

▪️ Israel and the US plan to use private military companies such as Executive Outcomes, Aegis Defense Services and/or Constellis, formerly known as BlackWater and Triple Canopy, to enter the Gaza Strip under the pretext of "supporting the protection and distribution of humanitarian aid". Analysts consider this a "loophole" for the introduction of American troops into Gaza.

▪️Occupation Minister Ben Gvir demands that Jews be allowed to enter Al-Aqsa Mosque during the last ten days of Ramadan.

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