The President of Argentina, Javier Miley, announced the exit from the mechanism of the BRI Group consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa .

In his letter to the member countries of the BRI KS Group, the President of Argentina Xavier Miley stated that it is not appropriate for the government to join the BRI KS as a full member of the Republic of Argentina from January 1, 2024.

Noting that the withdrawal from the BRICS group does not mean that there will be no trade with these countries, Mile y emphasized the continuation of relations.

Argentina, which wants to become an official member of BRICS, officially started the membership process during the time of the former president Alberto Fernandez.

Miley also stated that they will make fundamental changes in foreign policy , announced that dictatorial regimes are ruling in Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua and ordered to cut off diplomatic relations with these countries.

It was announced that Argentina will not have an embassy in these countries, and this decision will be implemented during Miley's government.

In her election campaign statements, Miley said that she intends to shift trade to the USA and Israel , and that she wants to get closer to these countries in every way.


The BRICS group of countries, which accounts for more than 40 percent of the world's population and more than 30 percent of the global product, is an international arena where the leaders of the member states meet at annual summits to discuss global issues and mutual cooperation.

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