Who is obliged to give Al- Fitr charity ? When is al-Fitr almsgiving, is there a difference between the nisabs of zakat and al-Fitr alms, and can al-Fitr alms and zakat be given to a mosque or an orphanage?

Question : Who is obliged to give the Fitr alms?

Answer : Muslim men and women, whether they are of age or not, whether they are sane or insane, it is obligatory for them to give alms of Fitr if they have nisab. Also, it is obligatory for a Muslim man with wealth to give nisab for himself and his minor children who do not have nisab. If a woman and adult children are holders of nisab, it is wajib for them to give al-Fitr, but it is not wajib if they are not holders of nisab.

Al-Fitr almsgiving is given in excess of what is needed, such as the house one lives in, clothes to wear in winter and summer, and household items needed for daily chores (things such as television, gaming devices are also included in the category of "surpluses"), and not enough property for the nisab. it is obligatory on the person who owns it.

The owner of three sidra clothes is not considered rich. Because one of them is for home clothes, the second is for work, and the third is for Fridays and holidays. The fourth garment is wealth. (Fatawai Hindiya)

Therefore, all clothes except three sidra clothes are added to the nisab.

Question : What is the ratio of nisab in giving Al-Fitr charity?

Answer :

1. 85 grams for those who only have gold and articles made from it (coins, dishes, jewelry and souvenirs);

2. For those who have only silver and articles made from it (coins, dishes, jewelry and souvenirs) for 595 grams;

3. Those who have property other than the above, that is, if the value of the property is in excess of the original need (the house they live in, the clothes they wear in winter and summer, the things they need for their daily chores, such as household items);

4. Those who have a little gold, silver, and property should calculate the value of all of them;

It is not necessary to increase the nisab of property in Fitr charity, as in zakat. No matter what kind of commercial property it is, if its value is comparable to that of silver or gold, zakat is obligatory on it. If the owner of the property is beneficial to the poor, he determines the commercial property according to that ratio, taking care of the rights of the poor. (Lubob)

Question : when is al-Fitr almsgiving given?

Answer : All the scholars agreed that it is mustahab to give the Fitr Sadaqah from the wealth of those who are able to give the Fitr Sadaqah before starting the Eid prayer. But there are different opinions about how long ago to give:

Abu Hanifa, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, says: "Even if he gives a year or two in advance, he will be perfect." Hanbalis say: "It can be given one or two days before prayer." The Shafi'is say: "It can be performed after the beginning of Ramadan." However, if he does not perform it before the Eid prayer, he will not be released from his obligation, even if he does it on any day until the end of his life.

Also, those who did not know that it is wajib to give al-Fitr alms for a few years, if they find out that it is obligatory to give al-Fitr al-Fitr for all the years they have left, then they will have fulfilled their obligation.

It is narrated from Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him:

"The Messenger of Allah, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, made Zakat al-Fitr ... obligatory. They ordered it to be performed before people go out to pray . " Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, Ibn Majah.

Question : Is there a difference between the nisabs of zakat and al-Fitr?

Answer : there is a difference. Goods for giving zakat:

1. Must be gold or silver;

2. Must be commercial property (any commercial property);

3. There should be livestock grazing in pastures for most of the year: camels, cattle, sheep, goats;

4. Must be a grower;

5. One lunar year must have passed;

6. It should be beyond its original purpose;

Goods in Fitr charity:

1. In addition to his basic needs, he must have sufficient property;

2. Not necessarily for commercial purposes;

3. It is not necessary to be a grower;

4. It is not necessary to complete a year;

Al-Fitr Alms Giver:

1. Must be a Muslim;

2. It must be Hur (also given in the name of the slave);

3. Must be of legal age (the holder of the nisab gives it on behalf of his minor children, and it is given on behalf of a child who is a minor holder of the nisab);

4. He must be intelligent (if madun is the owner of nisab, his guardians will also give on his behalf);

5. Must be a Nisab holder.

Q : Is it permissible to give Al-Fitr alms and zakat to a mosque or an orphanage?

Answer: Zakat and Fitr alms are the rights of the poor and should be given to them as property. If these are used for the repair work of a mosque or an orphanage, zakat and al-Fitr alms are not valid. It is permissible for the local officials to spend the zakat and al-Fitr alms on the poor and other needs. A mosque is not built with Zakat (alms of Fitr) and a corpse is not shrouded.

From the book "The Shield of the Believer".

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