Shavkat Mirziyoyev, making a statement on Palestine during his state visit to Turkey, said that the reaction of the Western countries to the tragedy deeply worries Uzbekistan and Turkey, and that double standards are observed in practice. "In order to achieve peace, it is necessary to establish an independent and free Palestinian state," he said.

The presidents of Uzbekistan and Turkey made a statement to the media at the end of the talks in Ankara. In it, Shavkat Mirziyoyev also touched upon the tragedies in Gaza.

The President of Uzbekistan noted that the reaction of the Western countries to the tragedy deeply worries Uzbekistan and Turkey, that double standards are being observed in practice.

"Leading, developed countries that widely promote and protect democracy and human rights turn a blind eye to these murders and atrocities. Of course, it is necessary to stop the violence completely and start the peace process. The tragedy of Gaza is a tragic consequence of the still unresolved Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In order to achieve stable and long-term peace, it is necessary to establish an independent and free Palestinian state. In fact, the problem of Palestine is the problem of the entire Middle East," said Shavkat Mirziyoev.

The President announced that Uzbekistan fully supports the fair initiatives of the Turkish President on this acute problem.

"We will continue our cooperation in the work we are doing to widely promote the true humanitarian essence of our holy religion. We noted with pleasure that the attention and attention of the brotherly Turkish people to the priceless spiritual and cultural heritage of such great people as Imam Bukhari, Imam Termizi, Imam Moturidi, Abdukholiq G'idjuvani and Bahovuddin Naqshband, who were born and matured in the land of Uzbekistan and are highly recognized in the Muslim world, are increasing. The firm position of His Highness Mr. Erdoğan against any negative actions against Islam deserves special respect and recognition. "We have agreed to jointly respond to various attacks and pressures of evil forces against our religion in a difficult situation," Mirziyoev said.


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