Fehrettin Altun.

Fahrettin Altun, Head of the Communications Department under the President of Turkey, stated that Turkey will continue to support the establishment of truth, justice and independence in Palestine under the leadership of President Erdoğan, and will work for a fair and final resolution. "We consider the resolution a solution for both countries," he said.

Netanyahu is again blaming our country to hide his crimes. No amount of lies, disinformation, or slander can hide his historic massacres of innocent people . History has rated him as the most destructive leader both for this region and for his country.

There are leaders who sacrifice everything , including their lives, for the sake of their country, peace and prosperity. They work day and night to improve the lives of their citizens and establish good relations with their neighbors. They are supporters of truth and justice in global affairs, because they are well aware of their historical duty . President Erdoğan is one of these leaders. As Turkish citizens, we are proud to have such a leader.

At the same time, there are those who sacrifice universal values and morals for their selfish political goals. They worked tirelessly day and night to come up with plans to destroy the people who were living in the territories they occupied. They are constantly engaged in creating instability, conflict and wars in their neighbors. They commit injustice regularly because they have no concern for the well-being of others but themselves. Netanyahu is one of those leaders who brought isnad to his country.

No matter how much support Netanyahu's murderous warlord government receives from global powers, he will go down in history as a failed leader who destroyed hopes for peace and stability in the region. No amount of politics or trickery can help him change this reality.

Palestinians have suffered and continue to suffer greatly as a result of the ethnic cleansing carried out by Netanyahu and his government. And we will continue to fight against his policies with all our power. We are undaunted by his lies, deceptions, outlandish accusations, and attempts to change the subject.

We, as Turkey, remain supporters of the establishment of truth, justice and independence in Palestine under the leadership of our President Erdogan. We will work for a fair and final resolution. We believe the resolution is a two-state solution. And we continue to stand in perfect solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters.

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