Members of the Turkish Youth Union (TGB) beat up and put a bag over the head of an American soldier who was sent to the region to protect Israel and is said to be on duty aboard the USS Wasp aircraft carrier, which is now temporarily anchored in the Turkish port of Izmir.

"We will not give peace to the US soldiers defending Israel, trying to deal with Turkish soldiers and thousands of Palestinians here. Every time you step foot here, we'll give you the welcome you deserve! American soldiers with bloody hands have no place in Turkey! Get out of our country!” - said Kayahan Chetre, head of the organization.

15 people, including Kayakhan Chetre, were arrested in connection with the incident.

The US Embassy in Ankara responded to the situation and confirmed that the US military was attacked in Izmir and is now safe.

" We thank the Turkish government for its quick response to the incident and for starting an investigation ," the statement said.

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