Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke at an anti-Semitism event on Thursday. In the continuation of his speech, Trump called the pro-Palestinian protesters He called Kamala Harris , who is married to a Jew, " a candidate of the forces that want to destroy Israel and the Jews" and said that he thinks about the expansion of Israel's territory .

Despite the fact that Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris is married to Jewish lawyer Douglas Emhof, Trump accused her of fueling anti-Semitism and trying to destroy "Israel and the Jewish people."

"Kamala Harris is the candidate of the forces that want to destroy Western civilization, primarily Israel and the Jewish people , " Trump said in his speech.

The anti-war protesters were supported by “H AMAS Calling them " thugs " and "jihad sympathizers", Trump has vowed to expel those who oppose the Israeli occupation if he returns to the White House.

Trump once again bemoaned the fact that American Jews are voting for Democrats, and the former president called Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish official in the United States, a "Palestinian."

The Republican presidential candidate also said that Israel looks like "a small dot on the map compared to other countries in the Middle East" and that he wonders if there are ways to "make Israel bigger."

Trump attended the event with Miriam Adelson, wife of the late billionaire Sheldon Adelson and one of his biggest donors. Adelson said that "any Jew who cares about Israel's security and well-being" should help get Trump back into the White House.

In June, it was revealed that Adelson had pledged more than $100 million to support Trump in the upcoming election in exchange for Israel's annexation of the illegally occupied West Bank and the creation of a Palestinian state.

Adelson isn't Trump's only major pro-Israel donor. The Washington Post reported in early June that Trump met with some donors in May, during which the former president promised to "deport any student who protests" against Israel's aggression: "You know, there are a lot of foreign students. When they hear that, they behave better.''

When one unnamed donor complained that students and professors could one day hold positions of power, Trump called anti-Israel protesters part of a "radical revolution" and vowed to defeat them.

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