In South Korea, Telegram is suspected of facilitating the distribution of pornographic videos made using the images of teenagers using deepfake technology, which serves to animate images. According to the head of the National Criminal Investigation Agency, Seoul intends to cooperate with the French government and various international organizations in the Telegram investigation.

South Korean police have accused Telegram of aiding and abetting sex crimes involving the distribution of pornographic dipfakes, including AI-generated videos based on images of teenagers. South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Monday, September 2, that the police had started a preliminary investigation in order to prepare official charges.

"Like in France, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency has launched an investigation before filing formal charges against Telegram," the agency said at a press conference held by South Korea's National Criminal Investigation Agency chief Woo Jong-soo. According to him, it is about complicity in crime (spreading fake videos).

At the same time, Wu stressed that Telegram will not provide any information, especially account information, for investigation not only to South Korea, but also to other countries, particularly the US national investigative authorities.

According to the head of the National Criminal Investigation Agency, Seoul intends to cooperate with French authorities and various international organizations in the Telegram investigation.

The spread of pornographic fakes on Telegram

On August 30, " Yonhap " cited the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency as saying that South Korea had arrested a man suspected of making 279 fake pornographic videos based on photos and descriptions sent by users of his Telegram channel.

According to the agency, there were 246 victims of his channel on Telegram called "Room to Humiliate Acquaintances". On August 22, the suspect was promptly arrested.

Last week, one of the South Korean broadcasting companies also reported that a Telegram group was created to distribute pornographic videos from the photos of their classmates created by students with the help of artificial intelligence technology, AFP news agency recalls.

It is noted that last week alone, 88 cases of pornographic dipfakes were reported to the South Korean police. 24 suspects related to this case have been identified

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