French President Emmanuel Macron was angered by Israel's Minister of Diaspora Affairs Amikhaya Shikli's statements, which were assessed as direct interference in the country's parliamentary elections, Axios reported .

Macron expressed his displeasure to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a telephone conversation.

Earlier, Shikley supported the National Unity party of Jordan Bardell and Marine Le Pen in the parliamentary elections in France. The Israeli minister said that the victory of the extreme right in France is the best for Israel. At the same time, Shikli also mentioned that Prime Minister Netanyahu agrees with him on this issue.

The publication focuses on the Israeli minister's close ties with right-wing parties in EU countries. This is evidenced by Shikley's participation in a far-right convention in May, where he posed with Le Pen.

Le Pen's National Unity party came third in France's snap parliamentary elections, winning 143 out of 577 seats in the country's National Assembly. The left-wing coalition "New People's Front" won the most seats (182). Second place and the "Together" coalition of President Emmanuel Macron won with 168 mandates.

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