It was reported that after the increase in the number of foreign tourists in the Indonesian island of Bali, crime has increased and competition in the labor market has increased. Therefore, the government plans to implement tourism reforms in this area, deport foreigners who "bring drugs, gangs and other problems."

Indonesia will implement tourism reforms in Bali to rid the island of problems caused by foreigners. This was reported by Luxut Panjaitan, coordinator of maritime affairs and investments.

According to him, 200,000 foreigners currently live in Bali, which leads to an increase in crime and competition in the labor market, writes Reuters.

"Foreign tourists bring problems like drugs, gangs, etc. We can deport them from Indonesia, from Bali, and we will not allow them to come to the island anymore,” he said.

After the end of the pandemic, the number of tourists to Bali increased. Videos of their misbehavior were circulated on social networks and angered local residents.

More than 2.9 million foreigners visited Bali this year alone, accounting for 65 percent of all international visits to Indonesia.

"We don't want rice fields to become villas or nudist clubs. For us, quality is more important than quantity,” said Pandjaitan. He said that the government will soon announce a tourism reform plan for Bali.

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