Turkey may strip Jews fighting in Israel of their citizenship

Turkey may revoke citizenship of all Jews holding passports of countries participating in the war in Israel. The draft law on this was submitted to the parliament by the Sunni Kurdish party HÜDA-PAR.
Türkiye Newspaper writes that 4,000 of the Zionist soldiers who shed the blood of 38,000 innocent Palestinians in Gaza since October 7 have Turkish passports. It turned out that 400 of them left Turkey. 250,000 people with Turkish passports live in Israel. About 20,000 Jews who are citizens of two countries live in Turkey. They are currently serving in the military for Israel.

It is noted that 4,000 Turkish Zionists not only served in the military in Israel, but also went to Gaza and directly participated in the genocide against the Palestinians. According to the investigations, most of them did not go to the occupying country from Turkey, but through third countries. The killers used different names to avoid revealing their identity. The Association of Friends, CHABAT and the Union of Turkish Peoples in Israel took an active part in this process. According to information, at least 65 Turkish citizens have been killed and 110 injured in Gaza since October 7.

In Israel, every citizen over the age of 18 is required to serve in the military. According to a law passed in Israel in 1950, Jews around the world automatically receive Israeli citizenship. The Association of Friends is actively working for the deportation of Jews living in Turkey to Israel and conscription. The association, which trains guardians for Zionism from elementary school, promises those who leave Turkey financial aid and ample opportunities to live in Israel.

Those who live in Turkey stand on the side of Israel and do not hesitate to exterminate Muslims. About 4,000 Jews with Turkish passports have been participating in war crimes in Gaza for nine months. This number exceeds 10,000 if reserve soldiers and volunteers are taken into account. A list of Jews who left Turkey and live in Israel is maintained by a Tel Aviv-based association called the Union of Turkish Nations. Until now, the association has more than 120,000 officially registered members. A Zionist organization called CHABAT undertakes to find and convince Jews living outside of Israel.

According to the publication, it was determined that the general in charge of Israel's "Iron Dome" system is also a citizen of Turkey. The main center of Turkish citizens living in Israel is the Batyam district in Tel Aviv. There are Turkish-style restaurants and coffee shops in the area.

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