Thousands of buyers from neighboring Afghanistan visit the recently opened international trade center "Termiz" on the Uzbekistan-Afghanistan border. It is noted that the counters remain empty. Afghans can visit the center without an entry visa through a special corridor.

Thousands of buyers from neighboring Afghanistan visit the recently opened international trade center "Termiz" on the Uzbekistan-Afghanistan border , reported.

It is noted that trade in this center is carried out in a simplified manner: Afghans go to the shopping center, buy the necessary products and return to their country.

Activist Rasul Kusherbaev notes that the storefronts remain empty and this is a beneficial decision for Uzbekistan.

In one of the attached videos, a man introducing the situation at the trading floor is encouraging Uzbek businessmen to bring their goods to the center, because it really arouses great interest among buyers.

Climatologist Erkin Abdulakhatov also called the opening of the center a correct reform. According to him, the existence of such a land corridor is very important for both countries in terms of stabilizing food security.

"Events such as El Nin'o and La Nin'o in the Pacific Ocean caused by climate change create two different climatic conditions in the countries of Central Asia and South Asia . If we have a good year in agriculture, they have a bad year. And vice versa," he said.

Climate scientists warn that this trend will continue in the coming years. Therefore, the structures responsible for the agrarian sector should take into account this factor and act accordingly. According to the expert, one of the steps may be to discuss agricultural products exchange measures with Afghanistan in the near future.

We remind you that the shopping center was opened at the end of August this year. The opening ceremony was attended by high-ranking officials not only from Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, but also from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Plans for its construction have been under discussion since 2021.

Based on Shavkat Mirziyoev's assignment, a free trade zone is operating here. Foreign citizens will be able to enter Uzbekistan without an entry visa through a special corridor in the territory of the Termiz International Trade Center.

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