Exploration and extraction of natural gas in the Tuti-Maidan section of Jauzjan and Faryab regions in the north of Afghanistan by the Eriell company of Uzbekistan. The 10-year contract includes an investment of approximately $1 billion.

Uzbekistan's Eriell company signed a contract for gas extraction in Afghanistan. Ismatulla Irgashev, the special representative of the President of Uzbekistan on Afghanistan, informed about this on October 25 within the "Week of International Cooperation Initiatives", Gazeta.uz reported.

On October 10, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan signed an agreement on the exploration and production of natural gas in the Tuti-Maidan section of Jauzjan and Faryab regions in the north of Afghanistan.

The 10-year deal includes an investment of about $1 billion: $100 million in the first year and $900 million over the next nine years.

The document was signed in the presence of the deputy prime minister of Afghanistan for economic affairs, Abdul Ghani Barodar Akhund, and the special representative of the President of Uzbekistan, Ismatulla Irgashev.

Hidayatullah Badri, Acting Minister of Mines and Oil, noted that the produced gas will be used for the production of 100 MW of electricity in the first two years.

Ismatulla Irgashev said that the gas reserves of the Tuti-Maidan mine are estimated at 3 trillion cubic meters, which covers an area of more than 7,000 square kilometers.

"Engineers and specialists are studying the rehabilitation of 8 old wells. It is planned to extract several billion cubic meters of gas in the first two years after the start of gas development. According to the conditions, Uzbekistan will invest 100 million dollars annually in this field for 25 years, and after 10 years will increase the investment directed to the development of the mine to 1 billion dollars," he said.

The special representative added that gas produced in Afghanistan will be delivered to Uzbekistan through gas pipelines, processed and re-supplied to the Afghan market.

According to Irgashev, the goal of the President of Uzbekistan is to ensure the economic development and peace of not only his country, but also the countries of Central Asia, and in this regard, paying special attention to Afghanistan, solving the Afghan problem as soon as possible and turning Afghanistan into an international partner worthy of the entire world community.

Eriell is an oilfield services group of companies founded in 2004. Provides well construction and workover services for oil and gas companies. According to the order of the joint-stock company "Uzbekneftgaz", drilling operations are being carried out in the fields "Alan", "Ortabuloq", "Janubiy Tandircha", "Quyi Surgil", "Shimaliy Berdaq" and "25 years of independence" (M-25), (here the customer is Surhan Gas Chemical Operating Company). In July 2023, the company sold its subsidiaries in Russia.

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