The Supreme Court of Uzbekistan announced a new list of prohibited sources. From 2019 to now, it is said that more than 1,000 sources have been banned based on more than 80 decisions of the Supreme Court.

In 2019-2024, the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan published a list of sources and contents (materials) on the Internet that are considered to be filled with religious extremist, terrorist and fanatical ideas and which are prohibited to import, prepare, store, distribute and display in the territory of Uzbekistan.

According to Aziz Obidov, head of the information service of the Supreme Court, the practice of judicially banning resources and materials promoting vandalism and destruction is also widely used in foreign countries.

It is noted that cooperation has been established with organizations responsible for identifying internet publications, channels, pages, profiles where materials of religious fanaticism, extremist and terrorist content are posted and putting an end to their activities.

It is noted that strict liability is established for such criminal acts in the current legislation.

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