Turkish Parliament Speaker Nurlan Kurtulmush called on the nation to unite in "an important time for humanity" at the meeting of the Parliamentary Union of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on the wars in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. "Israel's strength is not in its army, not in its dominance of the world financial market and the press, not even in its sponsors. Israel's power lies in dividing the Islamic world," he said.

Turkish Parliament Speaker Nurlan Kurtulmush called on the nation to unite in "an important time for humanity" at the meeting of the Parliamentary Union of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on the wars in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

Noting that Palestinians are daily victims of the worst genocide in recent history, he said, "It will never be possible to solve the injustice that affects not only Muslims, but the entire humanity without solidarity."

He noted that Israel continues to commit unthinkable war crimes, disregarding the rules of international law.

"Israel has now directed aggression against the Lebanese people through bombing and ground operations. I express my solidarity with the people of Lebanon in these difficult times," said the politician.

Kurtulmush expressed confidence that " Natanya and his gang" will eventually be brought to justice in an international court for serious crimes.

"Netanyahu, who is ruled by a sense of corrupt religious fanaticism, is doomed to defeat. The only question is how and when he will lose the war," said the Speaker of the Turkish Parliament.

Drawing attention to the importance of Muslim unity, Kurtulmush said, "I must say frankly : Israel's strength does not come from its army, from its dominance in the world financial market and the press, and not even from its sponsors. Israel's power lies in dividing the Islamic world."

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