The session of tourism ministers of OIC member states will start tomorrow in Khiva

Preparations are underway for the forthcoming XII session of tourism ministers of the OIC member states, which will be held in Khiva from May 31 to June 2.

In the ancient city, OIC Deputy Secretary General Ahmad Kawesa Sengendo and representatives of the Tourism Committee are preparing for the event.

Among the guests of the forum are OIC Secretary General Hussein Ibrahim Taha, Senegal, Somalia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Oman, UAE and other countries for the development of tourism. officials, as well as representatives of a number of OIC structures, are expected to participate.

Let us remind you that in 2022, Khiva was chosen as the tourism city of the Islamic world in 2024. In March of this year, the Deputy Secretary General of the OIC Ahmed Kawesa Sengendo presented the certificate to the Mayor of Khiva.

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