Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended the graduation ceremony of the Religious Academy.

President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan participated in the ceremony of awarding diplomas to the first graduates of Specialized Higher Religious Centers and Specialized Religious Centers of the Directorate of Religious Academy. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Turkey.

Starting his speech with a prayer, the president noted that the courses held in 33 centers for 8 months were created in 2012, and the first activity of the Academy of Religion began in 2022 with 10 years of efforts.

"We are representatives of the people who have had the honor of being flag bearers in the spread of Islam for centuries. Our forefathers not only applied Islam to their lives, but also served to spread it through new conquests," said President Erdoğan. Our ancestors, who firmly adhered to the Qur'an and Sunnah, found themselves in Islam, went to 3 continents and 7 climates with the shouts of "Allah Allah". he said that he brought peace, justice, security, trust, peace, brotherhood.

President Erdoğan emphasized that being an imam or a muezzin does not mean only performing prayers during prayer times, saying, "This has never happened in the history of Islam. Imam also means the leader and exemplary person of the people in which he lives. It is the main responsibility of each of you to convey, inform and express this, especially to properly fulfill the task of guidance .

Resident Erdoğan, who mentioned that life does not accept empty qs , continued:

"Every gap you leave will be filled either by social media charlatans , FETO-like terrorist organizations, members of the fifth column, or poison dealers , or by corrupt and immoral currents propagated by global powers, or by the apparatuses of imperialists within us. We have personally witnessed many examples of this in our recent history. Unfortunately, we have sacrificed the brightest generations of our country to terror, violence , ignorance, and scenarios of western invaders. We have seen how many young people, whose future is at stake, have lost their lives in the mire of drugs, gambling, prostitution and drinking. They put weapons in the hands of our youth who should hold a pen. They turned the young people, who were sometimes tricked and forced into the mountains, into enemies of their people, their country ," said Rajab Tayyib Erdoğan.

He said to the future religious officials in the hall: " Who knows where you are going now . Wherever you go , those lands, their children and descendants are a deposit for you . There, you draw patterns in the minds of our children," said the Turkish president, adding the following:

"I especially ask you to always remember these hadiths of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace : "It is possible to be jealous of only two people: the one who spends the wealth given by God in the right way, and the one who judges with wisdom given by God and teaches him." I have no doubt that our candidate religious officials, who will start working in our country after graduation, will fulfill their duties with the same high mentality . I sincerely believe that you, brothers, will continue the exemplary spiritual values of our Prophet through sincere, close and impartial relations with our country."

Focusing on the events between Israel and Palestine, Erdogan said: "You have seen what this tyrant Israel has done to our Palestinian brothers. I hope that my Lord will make them miserable for the name of Qahhar. We must raise such a generation that we do not fall into the situation that Palestine is in," he said.

President Erdoğan emphasized that Turkey has a strong generation and hundreds of thousands of young people are coming out every day:

"Be sure of it. Wherever you serve, you are soldiers in a great struggle. Your efforts are needed by our country and nation, our brotherly peoples. Palestine and Gaza, where Israel is waging war and crimes against humanity in the face of the occupied world, need you. Our brothers who have tied their fate to the fate of Turkey, who have tied their future to the future of our nation, need you. Our citizens, who are fighting against Islamophobia, racism and discrimination, which is growing like a dangerous tumor in Europe and America, need you. All the sad and oppressed souls who dream of a just and livable world need you, your struggle and your action. As you perform your duties in the places where you are assigned, I expect you to act with the understanding of this heavy responsibility on your shoulders," he said.

The Minister of Religious Affairs of Turkey, Ali Erbosh , announced that 3120 imams, 250 muazzins, 1167 teachers of the Qur'an course and a total of 4537 candidate religious workers studied at the training sessions organized in 33 centers of the academy .

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