15.02.2025 17:51

The Chinese "marched" in Tashkent. Is the capital empty?

On the morning of February 15, the Chinese, without asking anyone, were in the heart of Tashkent, in the National Park, which is symbolic for us, shouting "We are strong!". If a group of foreigners were to hold a rally in a public place, raising flags, and not letting the National Guard, who were supposed to be guarding the area, or the Internal Affairs Directorate, or the city administration know about it...

In any case, employees of the Tashkent city administration and the National Guard told journalists that they were unaware of this mass event.

"The Chinese are saying, 'We are strong.' Chinese students march every spring and summer, chanting some slogans, and this must be the same event," the khokimiyat press service said in a statement to Kun.uz.

The publication was told by the National Guard, who patrol the National Park day and night, that they were unaware of the mass event. If the security guards didn't know that so many people had gathered, then what were they doing there?

Only after this incident spread on social networks and caused discussion, the Tashkent city police department, instead of investigating the incident and taking appropriate measures, issued a statement justifying this "walk". Allegedly, employees of the "Huawei" company, as always, held a running event on Saturdays and Sundays! Not only that, they called on departments and organizations in our country to follow their example. However, as can be seen from the distributed footage, the incident that occurred in the National Park was not a running event, but a rally, a demonstration.

For your information, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Rallies, Assemblies and Demonstrations" states that "permission must be obtained in a mandatory manner to hold rallies, assemblies and demonstrations. The application must be submitted to the local executive authority in writing or electronically no less than 30 working days before the social activity is held.

Rallies, meetings, and demonstrations may only be held in special places designated by the executive authority.
"Only citizens of Uzbekistan who have reached the age of 18 can participate in rallies, meetings, and demonstrations."

So, the "ignorant" who allowed themselves to be cold-blooded in this matter should undoubtedly be punished. After all, the law is equal for everyone, even for a foreigner, who is obliged to obey these laws within the borders of our country!

We all know what would happen if the Chinese were protesting with our own black people instead of the Chinese.

Let's see if the relevant authorities, who show their power to journalists, bloggers, and ordinary people, can punish them!

At the end of our speech, we expect answers to the following questions from the authorities:
So what was the intended purpose of the Chinese rally?

What do the inscriptions on the flags mean?
Is it common for China to hold such events?

Why couldn't our intelligence service prevent it?

Why are the authorities turning a blind eye to this situation?