Domla Salikhan Ortiqkhojaev was imprisoned for 15 days on charges of petty hooliganism and failure to comply with the legal requirements of IIO employees. It is said that when the IIO officers came to his house, he shouted "I am not a terrorist, I am not against politics, I am not a criminal" and disturbed the peace of passing citizens .

On March 30, 2024, a trial was held against Salikhan Ortiqkhojaev, known by the nickname Salikhan Domla, in the Sergeli district court on criminal cases of the city of Tashkent, the newspaper .

It is noted that on March 30, 2024, the employees of the Sergeli district IIO FMB and the DXX employees went to the house of Solikhon Ortikhojaev, during the search for a citizen suspected of crime and wanted, based on the decision to conduct a search.

It was found that he behaved insincerely towards the employees, shouted and shouted loudly that "I am not a terrorist, I am not against politics, I am not a criminal" and disturbed the peace of the citizens passing by. Also, he failed to comply with the legal requirements of the IIO staff by not providing the telephone equipment to them when asked by the IIO staff to provide the telephone equipment belonging to him.

At the court session, Solikhon Ortiqkhojaev partially confessed to the crime, but said that he did not shout and asked the court to give relief to him.

Witness F. Yu., who was interrogated via Telegram messenger. in court, he actually said that on March 30, when he was passing through the area, he heard shouting, that when he went, Salikhan Ortiqkhojaev attracted everyone by shouting loudly, and everyone heard his noise.

The court found that Solikhon Ortiqkhojaev had committed offenses under Article 183 (Petty hooliganism) and Article 194, Part 1 (Failure to comply with the legal requirements of an employee of internal affairs) of the Code of Administrative Responsibility, and sentenced him to 15 days of administrative imprisonment and 1 of the base calculation amount. barai, that is, a fine in the amount of 340,000 soums was imposed.

In addition, 15 percent of the base calculation amount for each day of administrative detention, i.e. 765,000 soums, was determined for storage costs.

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