On September 4-5, the State Security Service of Uzbekistan will hold the joint anti-terror training of the competent authorities of the CIS countries "Sharq-Aksilterror - 2024". Also, the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure and the 2nd CIS Conference on Combating Terrorism and Extremism will be held in Tashkent.

On September 4-5, 2024, the tenth international scientific and practical conference of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Regional Counter-Terrorism Structure and the second conference of the Commonwealth of Independent States on the fight against terrorism and extremism will be held.

Delegations of authorized bodies of SCO and CIS member states, working structures of CIS bodies, international organizations, as well as delegations of educational and scientific-analytical organizations involved in the study of the problems of combating terrorism and extremism are expected to participate in it.

Representatives of the UN, CIS ATM, Interpol, YEOG, OHICHK and other organizations will also participate in the conference.

The main goal of the conference is to exchange best practices in the fight against terrorism and extremism, to develop measures to improve international cooperation in this regard, and to form a common understanding and approach of the participants to new threats to security.

In addition, the State Security Service of Uzbekistan, under the coordination of the CIS ATM, will hold the joint anti-terrorist exercises of the competent authorities of the Commonwealth of Nations "East-Aksilterror - 2024".

The purpose of the training is to improve the activities of the competent bodies of the CIS member states in conducting joint counter-terrorist measures to detect and eliminate terrorist acts in important infrastructure facilities and crowded places.

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