A foreign citizen who has made public speeches or committed actions insulting the honor, dignity or history of Uzbekistan and its people will not be allowed to enter the territory of the country. A list of such people is maintained. Such persons in the territory of Uzbekistan will be deported.

The Senate of Uzbekistan considered the law on amendments and additions to the law on the legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons, Gazeta.uz reports.

Senator Anvar Toychiev, a member of the Committee on International Relations, Foreign Economic Relations, Foreign Investments and Tourism, said that in recent times, some foreign citizens have committed interstate, national, religious enmity against the sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of Uzbekistan, and the honor of the people of Uzbekistan. there are public performances and attempts to commit acts that denigrate the dignity and history.

According to the law, from now on, a list of foreign citizens and stateless persons deemed unacceptable to be in Uzbekistan will be kept. Foreign citizens or stateless persons who have made public speeches or committed actions that contradict the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and security of Uzbekistan, as well as cause interstate social, national, racial and religious enmity, insult the honor, dignity, or history of the people of Uzbekistan, are included in this list. is entered.

The procedure for entering the list of foreign citizens and stateless persons deemed inadmissible to be in Uzbekistan and maintaining it is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers and managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Entry into the list is carried out based on the submission of the councils of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis and specially authorized state bodies.

A foreign citizen or a stateless person included in the list will not be allowed to enter the territory of Uzbekistan for the specified period, and a number of restrictions will be imposed on him. In particular, it is prohibited to enter the territory of Uzbekistan, open bank accounts in the country, purchase real estate, participate in the privatization of state property, enter into financial and contractual relations for 5 years.

In the application of these prohibitions and restrictions, alienation, i.e., sale or donation of private property located in the territory of Uzbekistan, which belongs to the listed persons on the basis of property rights, is excluded.

If the person included in the list is a foreign citizen or a stateless person staying or temporarily living in Uzbekistan, he is given 10 days to leave the country. If this person does not leave Uzbekistan within the specified period, he will be deported according to the procedure established by the internal affairs authorities.

The term of a foreign citizen or stateless person's stay in the list is 5 years, and if he eliminates the reasons for inclusion in the list within this period, he can be removed from this list before the deadline.

The law was approved by the Senate and sent to the president

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