Pakistan has officially joined the establishment of the international transport corridor "Belarus - Russia - Kazakhstan - Uzbekistan - Afghanistan - Pakistan - Indian Ocean ports" . It is expected that this project will significantly strengthen transport links between Asian countries and provide additional access to the world sea for Belarus and Russia, which are under sanctions.

Pakistan joined the establishment of the international transport corridor "Belarus-Russia-Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Indian Ocean ports", the press service of the Ministry of Transport of Uzbekistan reported .

It is noted that this corridor will significantly strengthen transport links between Asian countries and provide additional access to the world sea for Belarus and Russia, which are under sanctions.

On September 8, 2024, as part of international initiatives in the field of logistics, Pakistan signed a memorandum on the development of this transport route. The project to create this corridor began in August 2022, when Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan signed the corresponding memorandum.

In April 2024, a meeting of representatives of the participating states was held in the city of Termiz, where Belarus also joined the agreement, and Afghanistan and Pakistan announced that the internal procedures for participation had been completed. At the meeting, the "Roadmap" was signed, which includes detailed steps to increase cargo volumes, analyze traffic flows, introduce electronic documents and optimize customs processes.

" Pakistan's inclusion in this large-scale project marks an important step in strengthening regional trade ties and accelerating international freight traffic through XTY ," it is said in the message of the Ministry of Transport of Uzbekistan.

The project is expected to become an important link in the transport system in Eurasia, to provide convenient and efficient roads for the transit of products, and to contribute to the strengthening of economic cooperation between the participating countries.

One of the main elements of the development of the project is the construction of a railway connecting Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan, which will significantly speed up cargo transportation. Discussions are already underway on the details of this project, and Russia, under sanctions, is considering participating in the construction in exchange for additional access to world ports.

According to the memorandum signed between the transport ministers of Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in November 2023, active work on the project began. The first meeting of the working group was held in April 2024 in the city of Termiz, where Belarus joined the agreement, and Afghanistan and Pakistan announced that the necessary formalities to join the project had been completed.

Thus, Pakistan's access to this transport corridor will open new perspectives for participating countries, strengthen regional ties and accelerate international cooperation.

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