27 documents were signed between the delegations of Uzbekistan and Russia, including agreements on the construction of small nuclear power stations, the opening of branches of the Moscow Technical University and the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade. The leaders of the two countries approved the policy of switching to national currencies in mutual settlements.

In addition, at the end of nearly 4 hours of talks between the leaders of Russia and Uzbekistan, Vladimir Putin and Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a joint statement was adopted.

The joint statement of Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Vladimir Putin, the agreement between the governments on providing technical assistance to Uzbekistan in the field of metrology, the joint action plan for expanding industrial cooperation to increase the volume of trade between the countries, the joint action plan for expanding mutual cooperation in the priority areas of cooperation, for 2024-2030 the plan of the main directions of activity of the working group on increasing the exchange of goods between the countries is one of them.

In addition, a full-fledged trade representative office of the republic will soon appear in the Russian Federation. A joint investment platform will also be launched to promote joint projects. The leaders of the two countries approved the policy of switching to national currencies in mutual settlements.

Among the main agreements are the creation of low-power nuclear power plants by Russian experts in Uzbekistan, trade and economic cooperation and development of relations in various fields, including science, culture, mechanics and aviation construction.

Putin also said that Russia, together with its Uzbek counterparts, will continue to work on the "migration file" by providing "appropriate conditions" to migrant workers. "We highly appreciate their significant contribution to the development of the Russian economy, especially the rapidly developing sectors such as construction, housing and communal services, transport and logistics," said the Russian head of state.

In addition, the goal of increasing the volume of trade to 30 billion dollars was set. As for gas, Putin confirmed plans to increase the capacity of the Central Asia-Central pipeline, which will increase the supply to 11 billion cubic meters per year.

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