Kazakhstan wants to simplify cargo transportation with Uzbekistan as part of the implementation of the pilot project. According to it, from April 1, permits of the type "to third countries/third countries" will be issued in electronic form at several checkpoints.

Kazakhstan wants to simplify cargo transportation with Uzbekistan as part of the implementation of the pilot project. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Transport of Kazakhstan.

"In order to further simplify the issuance of permission forms of Uzbekistan, a draft of the joint order of the Ministries of Transport, Finance and Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the implementation of the pilot project on the issuance of permission forms of Uzbekistan was developed," the report says.

The pilot project envisages the electronic issuance of permits of the "third countries/third countries" type at Atameken, B. Konysbaeva, Kazygurt, Kaplanbek and Tajen checkpoints starting from April 2024.

The ministry said that applications for issuing electronic permits to local carriers will be accepted by the regional bodies of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan through the CarGoRuksat automated electronic queue system if there is a list of required documents .

This mechanism allows bona fide carriers to simplify cargo transportation with Uzbekistan and eliminate speculation with queues and transfer of permit forms to third parties.

Kazakh carriers entering Uzbekistan through the territory of Kazakhstan receive Uzbekistan permits in electronic form at transfer points.

Kazakh transporters entering Uzbekistan in transit from the territory of Kazakhstan can obtain Uzbekistan permits through the "Electronic Government" portal in accordance with the requirements of the rules for applying the permit system for international road transport in the territory of the Republic.

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