A regional office of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) may be opened in Uzbekistan. Exchange of experience in preservation and restoration of manuscripts, training of Arabic language teachers is also envisaged. The President discussed these issues with the CEO of the organization.

On May 30, Shavkat Mirziyoyev received the Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) Salim al-Malik, the press service of the President reports.

Salim al-Malik came to the country to participate in the meeting of tourism ministers of the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which will be held in Khiva.

The general director of ICESCO highly appreciated the "results of the policy implemented on the preservation, comprehensive study, preservation and popularization of the rich scientific and cultural heritage" in Uzbekistan, the report said. The President noted the current level of mutually beneficial and intensive cooperation with the organization.


Practical aspects of developing constructive dialogue and effective cooperation with this regional structure in the fields of science, culture, education and tourism were discussed at the meeting.


The parties discussed the issue of opening a regional representative office of ICESCO in Uzbekistan in order to expand practical partnership and promote joint projects.

In 2007, Tashkent was declared the capital of Islamic culture, Bukhara in 2020, and Samarkand in 2025.

This year, Khiva is the tourism capital of the Islamic world. In the International Islamic Academy in Tashkent, ICESCO's special department for the study of Islamic civilization operates.

The new areas of cooperation are the exchange of experience in the preservation and restoration of manuscripts and other historical monuments, the implementation of related projects, the training and professional development of Arabic language teachers, and the organization of international scientific and cultural events.

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