Israel Kats

After Turkey banned the export of 54 types of products to Israel, Tel Aviv asked the US to stop investing in the Turkish economy. He also promised to "take parallel measures that will harm the Turkish economy."

Foreign Minister Israel Katz asked the US to take action against Turkey's export ban on 54 types of products to Israel. He accused Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of sacrificing Turkey's economic interests for Hamas and asked the US Congress to impose sanctions on Turkey.

"Erd o ghan is once again sacrificing the economic interests of the Turkish people to support the killers of Hamas who raped, killed and mutilated the bodies of women, girls, adults, infants and children in the Gaza Strip. Israel will not submit to violence and extortion, will not tolerate unilateral violations of trade agreements, and will take parallel measures against Turkey that will harm the Turkish economy , "said the head of the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

He also said that Israel is preparing a list of other products that will be blocked from Turkish exports, as well as contacting organizations in the United States to stop investing in Turkey and ordering "friends" to stop importing Turkish products to America.

"Congress will review violations of boycott laws and impose appropriate sanctions against Turkey," he said.

On the other hand, a few days ago in the Turkish city of Istanbul, 43 people who protested demanding the end of trade with Israel were violently arrested. The demonstration was organized by the "Thousand Youth for Palestine" movement.

Interior Minister Ali Erlikaya said that the captured citizens insulted the authorities and resisted the security forces. 38 of them were released after an identity check, and 5 were given statements and court proceedings were held.

In addition, two police officers who used violence against the protesters were suspended.

It should be noted that earlier the Ministry of Trade of Turkey announced that it has decided to limit the export of certain goods to Israel from April 9, 2024.

The ministry noted that the restrictions will remain in place until Israel declares an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and allows sufficient and uninterrupted aid to the Palestinian enclave.

The list of prohibited products includes cement, concrete mixers, iron and steel construction materials, iron and aluminum wires and cables, excavators and cranes, construction machinery, aviation gasoline and jet fuel, motor and hydraulic oils, fuel lubricants, chemical products used in metalworking. , varnishes and paints and others are included.


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