France has recalled its ambassador to Azerbaijan, Anne Bouillon, for consultations. Paris accused Baku of "unilateral actions that undermine the relations between the two countries."

France has recalled its ambassador to Azerbaijan, Anne Bouillon, for consultations. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained this decision by saying that "Azerbaijan's unilateral actions undermine the relations between the two countries."

According to reports, French President Emmanuel Macron discussed the topic with the head of the diplomatic mission.

The head of state " expressed regret for the actions of Azerbaijan" and noted that "Baku is expected to clarify its intentions."

Macron said Paris supports the process of normalizing relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the MFA added.

Tension between the two countries

Since the end of 2023, relations between France and Azerbaijan have been tense.

Azerbaijan criticized the French government for increasing the volume of military supplies to Armenia. Because it became known that France will send 50 armored vehicles to Armenia in December 2023.

In February, French Defense Minister Sébastien Lecorneau announced during his official visit to Armenia that Paris is ready to provide Yerevan with short, medium and long-range air defense systems.

At the end of last year, Azerbaijan declared two employees of the French embassy in Baku as persona non grata, and in January, a French citizen was arrested and charged with espionage in the country.

Also, in January, the French Senate adopted a decision to introduce sanctions against Azerbaijan.

The document mentions support for Armenia's territorial integrity and calls for the withdrawal of Azerbaijani troops from Karabakh. In addition, they condemned the "arrest of political leaders of Nagorno-Karabakh" and demanded their immediate release. Also, guarantees of the Armenian population's right to return to Nagorno-Karabakh were demanded.

The resolution of the French Senate calls for the strictest measures to be taken against Baku, including the confiscation of the property of Azerbaijani officials and the introduction of an embargo on the import of gas and oil from Azerbaijan.

In response, the Committee on International Relations and Interparliamentary Relations of the National Assembly of Azerbaijan (Parliament) issued a statement .

The committee recommended that the Azerbaijani government impose sanctions against France, freeze all assets of French officials in Azerbaijan, suspend all economic ties with France, withdraw all French companies from Azerbaijan, including Total, and prevent French companies from participating in any projects commissioned by Azerbaijan.

Also, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan was instructed to take measures to recognize the sovereignty of the territories of Kanaki (New Caledonia, a French colony in the Pacific Ocean), Maohi Nui (Maohinui, Tahiti) and Corsica, which claim independence from France.

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