On Wednesday, July 17, the closing ceremony of the "Birlestik-2024" international operational-tactical command-staff training exercise was held in Kazakhstan.

The military leadership of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan arrived at Cape Tokmok in the Caspian Sea and watched the last tactical episode of the exercises. This is stated in the statement of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan.

During the solemn ceremony, which was attended by representatives of the military attachés of 15 countries of the world, medals and valuable gifts were awarded to a group of military personnel, after which the personnel marched in front of the pulpit.

It should be noted that the joint exercises "Birlestik-2024" were held in the "Oymasha" landfill, Tokmok cape in the Karakiya district and the Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan.

The military of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan took part in the exercises held on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Russia and Iran were not invited.

A total of 4,000 military personnel, up to 700 weapons and military equipment were involved in the joint maneuvers.

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