At the regular meeting of the Standing Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) on Political Issues and International Cooperation, the draft statement of the State of Palestine on the situation in the Gaza Strip was considered. It also took into account the views and suggestions of Uzbekistan.

The regular meeting of the Standing Committee on Political Issues and International Cooperation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was held, UzA reported .

Representatives of the parliaments of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan took part in the event held in a hybrid format. Ravshanbek Alimov, Chairman of the Committee on International Relations, Foreign Economic Relations, Foreign Investments and Tourism of the Oliy Majlis Senate, participated in the meeting on behalf of Uzbekistan.

The members of the commission reviewed a number of draft documents to be submitted for discussion by the Council of the Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS.

Also, information was heard about the Assembly's mutual cooperation with the UN and other international organizations in the field of combating terrorism, and the activities of inter-parliamentary associations.

In particular, the statement of the CIS Parliamentary Assembly on the situation in the Gaza Strip and draft regulations on the observer status of the CIS Parliamentary Assembly were considered.

The views and suggestions of the Republic of Uzbekistan expressed during the discussion were taken into account in the final documents of the meeting.

It is not yet clear when the statement of the CIS Parliamentary Assembly on the Gaza Strip will be published.

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