They carried out activities such as surveillance, harassment and invasion of foreigners in Turkey.
In a special operation conducted by the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MİT) and the Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism Department of the Istanbul Police Department, 34 people related to Israel's foreign intelligence service, Mossad, were arrested. During the operation, a total of 46 people suspected of being "Mossad" spies were identified, some of them went abroad.
The suspects, most of whom are foreigners, were mostly short-term tactical recruits.
Operations are ongoing
It is noted that special operations against persons related to the Israeli intelligence service began in 2021, and in 2021-2022, 58 foreigners, 39 Turkish citizens, a total of 97 people were arrested. Trials against 51 of them are ongoing at the first stage.
In addition, in April 2023, Selchuk Kuchukkaya and his network of 16 people, who regularly met with Israeli agents abroad and performed tasks assigned by Israeli intelligence, were eliminated.
Most recently, the efforts of the Israeli intelligence service to abduct Palestinian engineer Omar Albelbaisi in Malaysia were stopped in Turkey.
Working methods exposed
The operations also exposed the working methods of the Israeli intelligence service.
In particular, the Israeli intelligence service hired employees to use in actions against Palestinians and their families in Turkey, and within the framework of this work, the Israeli intelligence service posted undisclosed job ads or links on social networks or groups, and ensured that the necessary people got in touch with them.
Israel's Special Service contacted people who responded to these ads/links only in writing via Telegram and WhatsApp applications.
For payments to sources, an intermediary/live courier, as well as crypto-currency and money transfer systems were used to eliminate the money trail.
Using these operatives, Israeli intelligence conducted operations such as intelligence gathering, analysis, photo and video capture of targets, surveillance, placing GPS devices on the vehicles of those under surveillance, assault/injury, intrusion, arson, threats, and blackmail. Also, disinformation activities such as creating and managing a website, internet publication, and spreading false news were carried out.
In addition, Israeli intelligence conducted cyber activities by collecting IP addresses of targets, creating a database for foreigners in Turkey, and capturing or accessing surveillance cameras in surveillance areas.
They met abroad to avoid being caught by Turkish intelligence
It was found that the Israeli intelligence service met abroad with people considered to have the necessary qualifications in order to avoid the eyes of the Turkish intelligence and to ensure the safety of its agents.
Mossad's initial contact with these people through social media and job posting sites was masked to suit his personal needs and interests. It is noted that a large amount of money was paid so that the person who entered the relationship would not betray and have peace of mind.
Checked on a lie detector
In meetings abroad, spies hired with the physical characteristics of the people of that country came into contact with spies, they were placed in luxury hotels, luxury restaurants, special travel programs during foreign trips, and they were checked by lie detectors.
It is understood that employees who met overseas were given specially designed bags with secret compartments in case the payments were made by hand, if the payment amount was high enough to cause problems at customs. Neither x-ray machines nor specially trained dogs could detect the money in these bags.
During overseas meetings, employees were trained in the secrets of secret messaging and were provided with secret communication systems, after which all work was carried out through a special messaging system.
Training on stalking, surveillance, photo documentation, keying, reporting and operational security was conducted by a special team from Israel.
In addition, tactical personnel carried out tasks such as transporting people and goods from the border of Iran and Iraq to Turkey, finding computer hackers, providing a "safe house" and arranging with an ambulance company for use in special operations.
It was announced that operations against persons related to "Mossad" will be continued in the future.

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