Seven-week summer Qur'an courses for schoolchildren in Turkey have come to an end. 2.5 million students took part in the training. As part of the training, various competitions (both religious and sports) were organized, and the most successful students were awarded bicycles and tablets.

Ali Erbash, head of the Religious Affairs Department of Turkey, announced that the summer Qur'an courses, which were held with the participation of nearly 3 million students across Turkey, have ended.

"I would like to thank the teachers of our Quranic courses , religious leaders, those who contribute to this service, our parents and benefactors who work to convey our spiritual values to our generations, especially our students who put a lot of effort into studying our holy book ," Erbash X wrote on his social network page.

A total of 2.5 million students took part in the courses that started on July 1 of this year, and the number of teachers reached 107,000 . Last year, 2.4 million citizens took part in the summer Qur'an courses.

The course program lasted for seven weeks and included four hours of lessons each day. As part of the training , various competitions (both religious and sports) were organized, and the most successful students were awarded bicycles and tablets.

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