

Noisy streets, chanting, noxious fumes...

Unnecessary rushes, unnecessary worries, endless needs...

Complaints, twisted lips, wrinkled noses, endless complaints...

Birthday parties, proms, lavish weddings...

Shopping centers where you can find anything you want, skyscrapers that are the envy of the people of Samud, squares and avenues that overshadow Eram...

In the middle of all this is our heart - fighting for life, slowing down, still trying to beat, a heart whose function is not only to supply blood to our body. If we listen to John, we can hear his voice, witness his pain...

For this, let's take off our headphones and dark glasses, disconnect from the screens for a while, and take a deeper look at our lives. Let's think about how high our ego is flying, which our Lord warned us about our inability to become God. Why is our heart, which is suffering like a prisoner in our chest, so weak; why is it narrowing; let's think about why no one fits into it. Let's think about the reason why we don't give a place from our hearts to babies with innocent eyes, old people with folded hands, and orphans. And let's admit how right the poet's diagnosis of "heart failure" is for our time.

Indeed, each of us has the same disease - our heart is not enough for anyone, we cannot shelter anyone from it. Because our world is filled with ourselves and things that belong to us, so nothing else can fit. We are so busy taking pictures of ourselves that we can't bear to take someone else's pain. No sorrow can stifle our appetite, no calamity can spoil our joy, we will not let anyone hurt us. We have become a species that has no one but itself. Our heart is becoming more and more dry, turning into a desert, becoming barren, its green valleys that spread clean air to us and those around us are disappearing. It would not have happened if we had been able to give medicine to the sick, if we had shared our bread with the needy, if we had shared our tears with those who cried.

Our Lord mentions the weak, the weak, the poor in His Word; praises those who help them, promises rewards for this work. And we look at the Book of God with a careless eye. We eat a lot, talk a lot, sleep a lot, forget a lot. We have become almost perishable from insensitivity and indifference. However, our ummah is devoted to the Prophet (peace be upon him) who was ready to make any sacrifice so that others would enter the right path. We are on the path of the Messenger of Mercy (peace be upon him) who did not disdain to give even half a date to the needy, and to extend a helping hand to the debtor, the sick, and the elderly (Imam Muslim) . Our Prophet (peace be upon him) reminded us to provide sustenance for the sake of the weak among us, and warned against oppression (Imam Bukhari) . Our Lord (peace be upon him) gave place to Abdullahs and Anas from his table, fed the stomach of the orphan, and opened his arms to the needy. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) wanted someone who had food for two people to host a third person, and someone who had food for four people to host a fifth person (Imam Bukhari) . They advised the Companions to increase the amount of water in the soup and distribute it to the neighbors (Imam Muslim) . That person (peace be upon him) condemned the sleeping of a hungry believer (Ibn Abi Shayba) . And we know how many people are not sleeping because of hunger in the corners of the world... How many orphans of the Ummah are shivering from the cold, and in our hearts there is no warmth to warm them...

Don't we want to get better? Don't we want to get rid of the emptiness and boredom that surrounds us? We want to, don't we? Therefore, let's obey the Prophet's advice and be a refuge for those who expect salvation from us, and let's not stop praying for them. If we get rid of ignorance and expand our hearts, if we learn more about ourselves and live in the pain of others, we can revive our inner valleys. When we can put a smile on the innocent faces of babies, we know that there is enough room in our hearts for everyone. Then our hearts, which are cramped between noisy streets and skyscrapers, will breathe freely. We feel that people need us. Then the shades of gray and black will disappear, and the universe will shine before our eyes in the colors of the rainbow.

Zumrad FAZILJAN's daughter

prepared .

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