Just yesterday I was waiting for you in my heart. It's true that I was afraid that I would be able to do it as your visit approached. What did I hide? I'm lazy too.

However, this is not my main point. It all started yesterday. I talked with you in my mind until morning. I often have this situation, that is, I understand the essence of many things later. So, after yesterday evening, just a few days before your departure, my heart suddenly became happy. Thinking about the beginning of ordinary days, when prayers and recitations are not rewarded as much as you are, when I can't recite taraweeh even if I want to, divine grace, mercy, and forgiveness do not pour down like a torrent, without blessed mornings, without pleasant iftars, without happy evenings in exchange for daytime difficulties...

Am I crying? I'm crying. I haven't shed many tears since you started. Worrying about breakfast, breaking the fast, never-ending housework, tasks at the office... It seems that I put my feelings aside, trying to catch up with everything. After all, if you really feel something, you will cry.

But yesterday I cried, my heart was really happy. I want to cling to you. I was worried that I would have time for recitation and prayer, as opposed to regular chores. Dear companion, you have been with me for twenty-five days as a shield against evil. And I am oblivious... when you leave, I feel your value. Thank you for that, what if I understand when I get to Shawwal?

Sooner or later you will leave, your journey is over - a testimony of our deeds... His uncle Abu Talib, who was going on a journey, grabbed the reins of his camel and asked: "Who are you leaving me with?" like a dejected little Muhammad, a sad question is swirling in my mind: "Where are you leaving us, Ramazan?"

Abu Talib put his nephew, whom he loved more than his own children, on his horse, and they set off together. But I... remain - my eyes are young, my heart is confused. You will not take it with you. Like I said, what you take away is a testimony. To our fasts, tarawehs, rituals, actions...

What am I sending with you? Just peace...

Happy Ramadan. Please, look at our evils, O good companion of thirty days. Bear witness to our divine goodness. They say that a believer who has four, three or even two Muslims testifying that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, is good, will enter Paradise. You are a dear moon in the presence of the Great One, so your testimony is also valid.

Our Lord knows our situation well. Even so, we were born many years after the Age of Happiness, and we are living in a time full of conspiracies. It is not about our endless dreams of a luxurious house, expensive furniture, the latest model, good clothes, good food and drink, having the best phone... but from those dreams, if only one by one, we can walk in the Mecca and Medina of Asri Saadat with tears in our eyes. . Tell me that we do not feel happy in the clothes we bought with such and such money, but envy the Companions who were next to the Messenger of Allah in a single shirt with twelve patches.

Leave our pampered child with our jerkishes when we fast and faint. After iftar, when our veins are wet and we take a little break from chores, we stroke our baby's head and talk about the best grandfather - Rasulullah sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, our child asks, "Why are you crying?" "I miss Rasulullah" from the bottom of my heart, answer the question.

Let us not fall asleep in the morning, so that we can be distracted by various channels and social networks, and watch TV to pass the time until iftar. Even if we don't always look for images of Makkah on the Internet, and when we find them, our hearts soften and we pray for them to take us to these places.

Do not tell us that we do not refrain from gossiping while fasting. Convey our more or less apologies, which we said out of fear, thinking of someone's right, when our conscience was tormented, and we finally stopped gossiping somewhere.

Don't talk about the fact that selfishness is ingrained in our blood, and that we spend our sleep fervently praying for Muslims. Tell me about the two rakats of prayer that we prayed one night while wrapping our child, whose top was left open, and asking for salvation for the pain of the believers who are crying in some corner of the world because they cannot find ointment for the baby's wound.

Let's not talk about our laziness, laziness, carelessness, arrogance, irresponsibility, impatience... in short, our endless vices. Tell us a little about our qualities.

Tell us that we are very weak, because of the greatness of our Lord. At the very least, tell us to recognize this fact without hesitation, to confess sincerely that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger, even if our actions are sloppy.

"(O Muhammad!) Say to my servants who have wronged their souls (by sin): "Do not despair of the mercy of Allah! Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful.

Even if we cannot get rid of our selfishness, we still have love for the Messenger of God, respect for the Companions; Bear witness that we strive to keep our love for Allah and His Messenger safe from the countless distractions that surround us.

Let it pass me by. Please convey to the Divine Dargah my wishes for your next visit to all Muslims in completeness, peace, faith, health of body and soul.

Happy Ramadan. Next year, "Welcome!" to welcome you:

Zumrad Foziljon's daughter

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