
Eid prayer is obligatory according to the Hanafi sect. Eating food, performing miswak and ghusl, sprinkling perfume, wearing the best clothes and giving Sadaqah Fitr before the time of Salat are some of the Sunnah acts. After arriving at the mosque, the morning prayer is performed. Those who come to the mosque after the Fajr prayer do not perform the Nafl prayer until the Eid prayer.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "On the day of the Eid prayer, the devil sends "Dad". Even though his students repeatedly ask him, "Teacher, who hurt you?", he keeps crying. At the end, he tells the reason for his crying: "After trying for a year, I made the children of Adam go astray and made them commit various sins. In honor of their fasting for a month, God forgave all their sins."

Since Eid is a sacred holiday for Muslims, it is a day of joy and happiness, visits to the elderly, parents, relatives, news of the sick, and distribution of zakat and charity.

In a hadith narrated from Jabir ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him), the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever removes one of the worldly sorrows of a Muslim, Allah will remove one of his sorrows on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever eases the burden of a suffering brother in this world, Allah will ease his burden in the Resurrection. Whoever helps another servant, Allah will help him too" (Tirmidhi's narration).

On the eve of Eid, if you show kindness to your neighbors and donate to people in need of financial assistance, i.e. low-income families, the joy of Eid will enter their homes.

Eid is the day when prayers are accepted. On this day, in many places, people go to the cemetery and mourning houses, and there are also women who mourn. This work is not strictly correct, but if you don't go to such places, some of the mourners will even be upset that they "didn't come". Let's refrain from such unshar'i practices, let's protect ourselves from excessive heretical practices. Instead, if we thank God for the blessings of peace and tranquility, go to the mosque early in the morning, perform the morning prayer and the Eid prayer in congregation, open our hands in prayer with many people, and ask the Creator of our heart's desires, insha'Allah, the reward will reach us and those who hope for us. goes

May Allah bless us all with Ramadan. May the Creator bless this day and increase the meritorious deeds. May we all be blessed to keep the peace of our country and pray in peace! Amen.

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