
Childhood Ramadan

Ramadan is a wonderful occasion to recall sweet memories of oneself more vividly than ever.

Ramadan is the joy in the heart of a child who is going to the street to get a drink, holding money in one arm and a container in the other.

These are the memories of the grandfather who tripped over something, raised the baby who was one with the earth in the cup in his hand, patted his head, and filled another cup with the cup.

Seeing his grandmother crying, "The fast is over soon," he asked, "Will she cry on the day of Eid tomorrow?" Ramazan is the wonder in the eyes of a child who is thinking.

The reason why adults say, "Young children break their fast in two" in order not to quench their heart's desire, is the love of prayer that opens the heart of the little one who opens his mouth together with everyone during the Iftar.

Ramadan is the skill of patience that develops in a child who keeps his manners while interrupting his grandfather's conversation, even if the pleasant smell of the food prepared for the Iftar table tickles his nose.

It is the efforts of a little girl who is seriously spreading dough for somsa on the floor of her sisters and mother, who does not melt to cook something more suitable for iftar for a month.

Ramadhan is the heartwarming words of a mother who understands the goodness of going out without sleeping on the night of Qadr and decides to stay up until morning, but who falls asleep after breaking the fast and wakes up in the morning.

They are the joys of a little girl who rushes to get her dream doll with the Eid money given by her grandfather, father, uncles, brothers, and runs happily to the rustle of her new satin dress...

Isn't that what instilled love for Ramadan in our hearts since we were very young? Isn't it these memories that made Ramadan dearer and more beloved to us? It is true that this is one of the greatest services of our grandfathers, grandmothers, parents, elders!

Now we are among the adults. It is our responsibility to create enthusiasm, love, enthusiasm for Ramadan and fasting in the hearts of our children, and to leave the most beautiful memories in their minds. There is no need to say, "For this, we must do this, we must do this." It is enough to remember our childhood memories of Ramadan and the behavior of adults.

May we all be lucky enough to spend Ramadan worthy of respect and leave the most beautiful impressions related to this month in our little hearts!

Zumrad Foziljon's daughter

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