"I urinate at night because of fear," says an Israeli soldier who returned from killing Gazans.

Afiai Livy, a soldier of the Israeli army who returned from the massacre of Gazans, shared his feelings. Here is what he said in full:

"Do you see this woman? I almost killed her with my bare hands several times! I'm peeing myself when I sleep. I can't sleep in my room. I can't sleep.

It's like an RPG is flying over my head right now. I imagine myself in a bulldozer, smelling the corpses in battle, picking up the remains of my comrades with my hands and asking where they are!

You are talking about the soldiers who recently returned from Gaza - they are outcasts, strangers, and now dozens of them are abandoned and no one needs them. I'm also talking about myself - I'm one of those people who don't need anyone.

I apologize for my harsh words, but the responsibility for our blood is in each of your hands.

I became an alcoholic. My debts exceeded 800,000 shekels and I was up to my neck in debt. Why don't any of you take responsibility for this?! You threw us in the landfill, you turned us into garbage," Livy said about his situation.

Earlier, the head of the Hamas resistance movement, Abu Ubaidah, said about those who came to the Gaza Strip: "Either they will be killed, or captured, or suffer lifelong disabilities, or return with lifelong mental illness."

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