The government of the Maldives banned Israeli citizens from entering the country on June 2 amid the growing genocide of the Zionists against the Palestinians . The small Asian country, famous for its beaches and luxury resorts, has joined more than a dozen countries that have "closed their doors" to Israelis. Which countries have banned Israelis from entering their territory?

On June 2, the government of the Maldives banned the entry of Israeli citizens into the country amid the escalation of the Zionist genocide against the Palestinians. The decision of the Cabinet of Ministers on this includes making changes to the necessary laws on banning the entry of Israeli citizens to the Maldives, and establishing a committee within the government to monitor these actions.

At the same time, passport holders of the occupying country were deprived of the opportunity to travel to these resorts. The small Asian country, famous for its beaches and luxury resorts, has joined more than a dozen countries that have "closed their doors" to Israelis: Algeria, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Bangladesh, Kuwait, Lebanon, Yemen, Oman, Brunei, Libya, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. Arabia is included in this list.

It is noted that the President of the Maldives, Mohamed Muizzou, is appointing a special representative to assess the needs of the Palestinians and is organizing a fund-raising campaign with the support of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees.

In order to show solidarity, a rally "Maldives together with Palestine" is planned. In order to speed up the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Maldives wants to hold talks with other Muslim countries.

The users of the social networks who are offended by this news are not silent either - they are calling their comrades to boycott the Maldives.

In turn, more than a million tourists come to the Maldives every year. According to the latest information, the number of Israelis who want to rest in this area is about 15 thousand.

Earlier, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced that Israel will be included in the black list of countries that deliberately harm and kill children in conflict zones. Guterres conveyed the warning to Major General Hiday Zilberman, Israel's defense attaché in the United States. If so, the Jewish state may be placed on the black list, which includes groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda. This is expected to be reflected in the report to be distributed to the members of the UN Security Council, which is scheduled to be discussed on June 26. Israel is concerned that blacklisting could lead to an arms embargo against the country.

Despite this, major organizations led by the US are in no hurry to take serious measures against Israel, which has become the killer of a large number of children in Gaza. The US also continues to give the Zionists enough weapons to bleed the Palestinians. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken believes that the destruction is the "sole culprit" that is stopping the war and preventing peace - the Palestinian movement Hamas.

The Biden administration insists that while TsAXAL is killing thousands of Palestinians, it does not see any genocide being committed by Tel Aviv against the original owners of Jerusalem. Condemning Russia's war against Ukraine, America is supporting bloodshed in the Middle East and trying to justify it.

The Jewish state, which receives the support of major countries, exceeds its limits day by day, and if earlier it denied that it was killing civilians, now it admits with a little "laughter". For example, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has admitted that TsAXAL struck a non-military building in Rafah, Gaza. As you know, this strike caused a fire in the refugee camp and killed at least 45 people. He called it a "deplorable mistake" during his speech in the country's parliament.

"Despite our efforts to avoid harming civilians, a tragic mistake occurred last night," Netanyahu said.

According to analysts, the "heroic" recognition of the Israeli leader was also caused by the distribution of footage depicting the burning of Palestinian tents as a result of a rocket attack. Because before Netanyahu's speech, Tsakhal made a statement that the strike was based on clear intelligence information, that it was a Hamas target.

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